Media And Reports

Media reports show the growth of Tata motors all over the world, but some of the controversies are also involved in the way of its progress.
Tata launches world’s most awaited small car Nano, by giving the name of Peoples car- because of chipper price( about 100,000 rupees or ($2000 )) then any of the other car in India. For manufacturing this car Tata bought land at Singur West Bangal India. After violent protests by farmers, stirred up by local politician, over the state’s forced purchase of their land for the 1,000 acre site had left Tata with the choice of buying the protesters off or walking away.
Video taken from CNB
Burning Nano

Video taken from the CNN-IBN7

Tata launches cheap car nano as public car in India but after selling that car people find major safty issues in this car, like no crash bars, very bad tires, very bad suspensions as well as their ware incident recorded car burning, so no fire protection in the car.
Annual Result 2011
Tata Motors Group - Global sales grow 24.2% and crosses the 1 million mark in FY 10-11 
- Net Revenue grows 33.1% to Rs.123,133 crores
- Profit Before Tax grows 196.3% to Rs.10,437 crores

For more details click -

Social Responsibility (Community development)

We "Tata Motors" have gained the reputation of being a socially conscious company and continue to develop programmes for the benefit of the communities surrounding our operations. We have well designed programmes which we implement through associations with local authorities and non-profit organizations. Our CSR (Company Social Responsibility) execution process comprises:
1. Needs identification of communities
2. Prioritization of identified needs
3. Selection of identified needs which are congruent with CSR mission statements
4. Designing projects for addressing 
selected needs
5. Arrangement of resources and implementation of projects
6. Evaluation of the impacts at the end of project
7. Phase out after ensuring that the community has the potential to sustain

.Healthcare provided nearly 300,000 people annually
.Over 300 low-cost toilets built per annum
.Sanitation drives conducted with participation of over 40,000 villagers in over 50 villages.
.'Amrutdhara project' implemented to provide safe drinking water to 100 villages in the next three years.
.Smoke efficient chullahs (fire-wood stove) installed in over 200 village households to curb respiratory problems (conditions affecting the organs and tissues).
. 500 women treated in anaemia treatment camps.

.Infrastructure and facilities up-gradation benefiting 50,000 student annually.
.Teachers training for more then 2,000 primary school teachers 
.Extracurricular activities for nearly 7,000 students
.Nearly 500 students supported through scholarship annually.

.In-house apprenticeship programs - technical and vocational training provided to nearly 7,000 people annually. 
.over 1,600 women benefited through Self Help Groups and over 150 women  Self Help Groups formed and sustained.

.Close to 100,000 tress planted annually.
.Over 2,000 families benefited from improved irrigational facilities.
.Over 4,000 community members sensitized environmental issues.
